Alumnus Placement Paper

1. Find the locus of the point whose sum of distance from 2 fixed points is constant.

2. [-infinity to +infinity] integration (exp (-x*x))

3 The product of any 3 consecutive nos is always divisible by _ ? Options[12/6/10/24]

4 int i=0, j=50
while (i<j)
if(<some condtn>)
<body of the loop>
elseif(<some condtn>)
{ <body of the loop>
else(<some condtn>)
{<body of the loop>

How many times the body of the loop is going to be executed?
Options [unknown/25/50/depends on the given condtn]

5. How can you include a library code written in c++ in a source code written in c? (options are there)
Ans. Some cross-linked platform (compiler) is required for this.

6. int a[20],i
what is the final content of the program.

7. which data structure should be used for searching an element in an array in constant time in case of average case? Ans. Hash table

8.OSI model.

9.Protocols and Topology

10. If we want to connect two systems to form a network which leyer(osi) is of most interest to us?
Ans. Physical layer.

Alumnus placement paper

placement paper-1