Axes Placement Paper - 5

Axes test paper
micro processor

1.Bus arbitaration is used for Ans: controling the bus

2.which one is the higher priority a)hold b)interrupt Ans: a)

3. 2's complement of 43 010101

4.what happens when push a instruction is exec.

5. int6 pushes how many bytes on to the stack.
4byte check it out = 35, bl = 39
add bl
rol al,08
now what are contents of al.

7. one 8086 program to find the o/p (i.e. To find the largest of all)

8.x = 11010010 , y = 00110101
x+y what is the result

9.what is the diff b/w ret and iret

10. What happens when and/test instruction is exec.flags.

11. What is max unsigned value in 16bit databus

12. What is max address in 16bit address bus

13. What is meant by memory mapped i/o

14. Al = 35
shl al,04
what are contents of al

15.lifo occurs in which memory


1. What is amplitude modulation

2. Bandwidth of telephone line (4k)

3. Ip layer uses a)packet switching b)circuit switching
c)store and forword switching d)both a and b

4. Which one is not transmission media a)optical fiber b)coaxial cable
c)catagary 5 utp d)none of above

5. Number of address bits in ipv6 128

6. ISDN is used for digital communication

7. which layer not present in tcp

8. what is the time period of e1 carrier superframe
Ans: 2ms

9. What is the bit rate of the e1 carrier/channel

10. Atm is a) adapter b) n/w architecture layer c) conectar Ans: b

11.on adsl - asynchronous digital subscriber line

12.on ai networks?