
Flextronics Placement Paper

1.Which is used to delete the memory allocated by calloc?

2.what is the runtime of insertion sort in the best case?

3. A student scores 55% marks in 8 papers of 100 marks each. He scores 15% of his total marks in English. How much does he score in English?
1) 55
2) 66
3) 77
4) 44
5) None of these

4. What should come in place of the question-mark (?) in the following number series?
5690 5121 4552 3983 3414 2845?
1) 2276
2) 2516
3) 2746
4) 2356
5) None of these

5. Car 'X' covers a distance of 385 kms in 7 hours and car 'Y' covers a distance of 715 kms in 13 hrs. What is the difference in the speed of the two cars?
1) 2kms/hr
2) 1km/hr
3) 3kms/hr
4) 5kms/hr
5) None of these

6. The ratio of the present ages of Sunita and vinita is 4:5. Six years hence the ratio of their ages will be 14:17. What will be the ratio of their ages 12 years hence?
1) 15:19
2) 13:15
3) 16:19
4) 17:19
5) None of these

7. Find out the greatest possible number for which 30% of that number is less than 100?
1) 331
2) 335
3) 325
4) 333
5) 328

Directions (Q. 8-15)Our system of Government is described as a democratic 8. Democratic, because the government of the country and its 9 states is run by the whole adult population through their 10 Republic, because the federal government is 11 not by a monarch but by a President elected by the representatives of the people. Do the representatives of the people really represent them? Do they care to descend to the level of the common man, to 12 what his needs and aspirations are, and whether the social, economic and political equality he aspires for is even fractionally or notionally achieved?The need of the hour is to make the representatives of the people truly 13 to the persons whom they represent. The liberalization, if any, has to be 14 at raising the quality, humaneness, genuine concern and capacity of the elected representatives. They have to be made accountable, for their misdeeds, apathy and mis-governance, to the very people whom they represent. It is time that the Members of Parliament and the members of the State legislatures are made 15 to be recalled by their constituencies for the 16 of duty, misdemeanour, corruption or rank 17
1) structure
2) republic
3) society
4) set-up
5) presidency

1) central
2) divergent
3) associated
4) regional
5) component

1) leaders
2) members
3) representatives
4) elders
5) subjects

1) headed
2) followed
3) governed
4) ruled
5) embarked

1) question
2) answer
3) represent
4) ascertain
5) symbolise

1) representative
2) accountable
3) amicable
4) deserving
5) serving

1) aimed
2) commanded
3) attached
4) evolved
5) earmarked

1) reliable
2) liable
3) sentenced
4) victims
5) responsible

1) degradation
2) deprivation
3) dereliction
4) absenting
5) callousness

1) incompetence
2) failure
3) misuse
4) futility
5) disorder