TCS placement paper - 3
Question 1: Write the pointer representation of a[i][j][k].
Question 2: i = 5
i++, ++i, --i, i--, 5
What will be the output if it is printed?
Question 3: How will you insert a new node between any two nodes in a linked list? Write the code.
Question 4: How will you find a particular data in the linked list?
Question 5: What is MD5?
Question 6: What is RSA? Explain its principle.
Question 7: There is a triangle and 3 ants on each vertex of the triangle. The 3 ants start to move randomly along the edges of the triangle. What is the
probability that two ants will collide?
Question 8: What is the difference between C and C++?
Question 9: What do you mean by polymorphism?
Question 10: Give an example of polymorphism with code.
Question 11: What do you mean by OOP?
Question 12: What is inheritance?
Question 13: What is a friend function?
Question 14: What is an abstract class?
Question 15: Suppose there is a number 235 such that sum of first two digits is equal to the third digit. How many such 3 digits number are possible?
Question 16: Why is the VIRTUAL keyword used in C++?
Question 17: Which keyword is written to use a variable declared in one class in the other class?
Question 18: Suppose a code is written in C and you want to use that code in C++. How can you do that?
Question 19 What do you mean by DML?
Question 20: Is there any language other than SQL where DML is used? If yes, then which?
Question 21: How many normal forms do we have?
Question 22: Here is a tic-tac-toe game which is being played by 2 people:
x o _
o _ _
x o x
_ represent the blank spaces. Who played the last chance (x or o)?